Steps to Participate

Steps to Participate
Participating in "My City, My Lab" starts with identifying a pressing problem in your city that aligns with at least one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Your challenge is to not only spot an issue but also devise an innovative solution that can make a real difference.
Understanding SDGs
Begin by familiarizing yourself with the 17 SDGs set by the United Nations. Each goal addresses global challenges related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, peace, and justice. Select an SDG that resonates with issues in your city.
Identifying the Problem
- Conduct research to gather data and insights about your chosen SDG within your local context. Look for gaps where improvements are necessary and feasible.
- Define the problem clearly and specifically. Explain why this problem is significant to your city, backing your definition with data and observations.
Developing the Solution
- Brainstorm potential solutions. Consider the feasibility, sustainability, and impact of each idea.
- Develop a comprehensive plan for your chosen solution. Outline how it addresses the problem directly and contributes to the SDG.
- Consider innovative approaches like technology integration, community involvement, or public-private partnerships that could enhance the effectiveness of your solution.
Proposal Submission
Prepare a detailed proposal that includes
- Introduction: Brief background of the problem and its relevance to the selected SDG.
- Problem Description: Detailed analysis of the problem, supported by current data and research.
- Proposed Solution: Thorough description of your solution, steps for implementation, and expected outcomes.
- Impact Assessment: Evaluation of how your solution will benefit the community and contribute to achieving the SDG.