Example Problem: Reducing Air Pollution in Urban Areas (Aligned with SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities and SDG 13: Climate Action)

Problem Description: Urban air pollution is a major threat to environmental and public health due to vehicle emissions, industrial activities, and other sources. This pollution leads to poor air quality, affecting millions and contributing to diseases like asthma and heart problems.

Step 1: Identifying the Problem

  • Research: Review current air quality reports for your city using resources from local environmental agencies, academic studies, and public health records.
  • Data Collection: Gather real-time air quality data using monitoring apps or devices. Conduct surveys or interviews with local residents about their experiences with air quality.
  • Defining the Problem: Clearly define the specific air pollution issues you will address, such as vehicle emissions or industrial outputs. Quantify the problem with collected data and describe its impact on public health and the urban ecosystem.

Step 2: Analyzing the Problem

  • Root Cause Analysis: Use tools like the 5 Whys or Fishbone Diagram to find the root causes of air pollution.
  • Impact Analysis: Assess the impact of air pollution on different community segments, including children, the elderly, and those with health conditions. Consider economic impacts like healthcare costs.
  • Comparative Analysis: Look at how other cities have addressed similar air quality issues to find patterns or innovative solutions.

Step 3: S Preparing the Solution

  • Solution Brainstorming: Use brainstorming sessions, SCAMPER, or mind mapping to generate solutions.
  • Feasibility and Impact Evaluation: Assess each solution for technical, financial, and practical feasibility and potential impact. Consider cost-effectiveness, ease of implementation, stakeholder acceptance, and sustainability.
  • Solution Selection: Choose the most promising solution and develop a detailed action plan, including steps, timelines, necessary resources, and key stakeholders.

Step 4: S Preparing the Proposal

  • Proposal Structure: Structure your proposal with sections: Introduction (problem statement), Problem Analysis, Proposed Solution, Implementation Plan, Expected Outcomes, and Appendices (supporting data and visuals).
  • Writing the Proposal: Make your proposal clear and persuasive. Define technical terms and support your arguments with data. Use diagrams, charts, and images for clarity.
  • Review and Refinement: Get feedback from mentors, teachers, or peers and refine your proposal to make it comprehensive and compelling.

Step 5: Submitting the Proposal

  • Final Checks: Ensure your proposal meets all submission criteria, including completeness, adherence to word count, proper formatting, and inclusion of required sections and appendices.
  • Submission: Submit your proposal via the competition’s online portal before the deadline and confirm the submission.